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Welcome to our Brussels Griffon pictures page!

If you're thinking of making a Brussels Griffon a part of your family, first enjoy a few Brussels Griffon pictures that we found while searching for BG's in need of rescue! Yes, that's right, many of the dogs on this page lost their homes, through NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN... and may still be looking. If they are, I've pasted a link to how you can find them.

The second thing you can do is check It's a great place to start the search for a future best friend!

These two have been adopted, YAY!!! But can you believe they were ever homeless?

It's true. The two dogs above were rescued from a hoarder before beginning their lives as real pets who were loved by responsible owners.

The following Brussels Griffon pictures feature dogs who were also given second chances.

brussells griffon with sad looking faceScuse-Me was rescued from a kill shelter in NJ 2 days before he was due to be euthanized! If you think you can't find a great dog on, you just may have another think coming! See for yourself!
Black Brussels Griffon with snaggle tooth
Smooth tan Brussels Griffon dog with underbiteRicky Ricardo was rescued by in Byron, IL. He was the victim of a hoarding situation and has likely been adopted. Find a dog just like him near you at your local shelter or rescue group.

Can you believe this cute puppy, only 10 weeks old is already looking for a forever home? Skittles is so young, but he proves that even puppies can be found through rescue groups. The internet is at your finger tips!

Pal Rescue in California was looking for the perfect home for this guy and I'm sure he's found one by now! Consider donating to a rescue group in your area, or help in other ways if you can. For instance, volunteer to be a foster!

More Brussels Griffon Pictures Below and
more on the Brussels Griffon info page, too!

Griffon puppy playing with a long haired adult yorkie
red, rough-coated Griffie with uncropped ears
red, rough-coated Griffie with uncropped ears
red brussels griffon dog laying in the sunshine
Brussels Griffon dog looking up

Razzle above wears a Santa hat for Christmas while she poses by the poinsettia plant. She has a Christmas wish... Adopt a dog for Christmas from the shelter or from a rescue group near you this year! Saving one dog could actually save dozens, or more!

Brussels Griffon and Shih tzu mixed breed dog, called ShiffonDon't shy away from mixed breed dogs, like Tina. Tina was possibly the result of an accidental breeding, or perhaps a purposeful one. A new trend seems to be mixing two breeds for the purpose of making a third which can be affixed with cutesy names, like Shiffon, the cross between a Shih tzu and Brussels Griffon. We're not knocking it. We're just saying you don't have to pay thousands of dollars for one! Rescue... for a fraction of the price! We're guessing this photo of Tina does her personality absolutely no justice!

When I built this site... I did so to promote rescue as my main objective. Along the way, I made it my second mission to be as thorough as possible on the breed pages, like the Brussels Griffon page, to help you make the most informed decision.

Check it out! While you're there you may find answers to many other Brussels Griffon questions. Possibly questions you never even thought to ask

Don't leave yet. Check out my custom garden flags!

On top of being a dog lover, I'm also an artist. Many of my paintings have been licensed by commercial companies for the purpose of puzzles, flags, checkbook covers and more.

They make great gifts!

Would you like to see one your own Brussels Griffon pictures turned into a painting? I am always on the lookout for new paintings ideas and subjects! Commissioning a painting from me entitles you to more than just the work of art itself. You'll also get gifts, such as puzzles, flags and other items that feature the painting!

Help us grow the site!

Submit your own Brussels Griffon photos!

Brussels Griffon puppy with Christmas tree and green bandana

Learn more about me, my art, the mission of this site and Rescue Dogs Are Better here.

We also welcome you to contact us if there are any other questions we can answer for you about anything you saw or read on this site.

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