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Pet Steps And Ramps

For Puppies- Elderly dogs - Small Breed Dogs- Large Breed Dogs- ALL DOGS

Nearly every breed of dog is prone to someday developing a joint condition. Genetics are the number one contributor, but there are several enviromental factors as well. The use of pet steps has been proven to help prevent most of these.

According to The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, 48% of Pomeranians will develop patellar luxation and as many as 74% of bulldogs will develop hip dysplasia. Several breeds follow closely behind, (based on genetics alone).

Unlike cats, dogs weren't built for repeated jumping, just as humans were not.

Consider yourself having to jump out of your car, down from your office chair or out of your bed every morning. After several years of this, your joints would be out of whack, too... And that's what pet steps can help to prevent.

Obesity and everyday wear and tear can lead to many of the orthopedic problems that affect the mobility of our animals. The most common of these are joint diseases like...

  • Arthritis
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Elbow Dysplasia
  • Patellar Luxation
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes Syndrome 

  • Pet Steps For Small Breed Dogs

    We love this Easy Step Bed Stair. The low step height of 5" and deeper stairs on the landings of these steps makes it safer and more suitable  for small and medium dogs.

    It's a proven fact that a set of steps can help to save much of this wear and tear and even prevent the early onset of joint diseases in all breeds.

    If you plan to adopt a small, medium or large breed dog (or if you have one already), we hope you'll take the risks seriously and consider pet stairs... Even if you don't buy them here.

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